Monday, August 23, 2010

Point Pleasant NJ..

Greeting fellow National Woodie club members (and friends!)

Members of the The Penns Woods Chapter and the National Woodie Club have been invited to display their woodies at the 28th Annual Antique and Classic Boat Show to be held at the NJ Museum of Boating (Bldg #12), Johnson Bros. Boat Yard, foot of Bay Ave. Pt. Pleasant, NJ on September 18, 2010. ( rain date September 19, 2010)

This event will be held in conjunction with the the Barnegat Bay Chapter of the ACBS (Antique and Classic Boat Society). The show will feature, Marine vendors, artists, flea market, ant. British cars, radio controlled boats, Museum, and of course food will be available.

This is a free event to those who arrive in woodie wagons, and no preregistration is necessary!

Should you require additional information please contact Jeff Yeagle at

** look for the “recycled 40 ford woodie” at the show!